FABC Online Giving

As our ancestors had a vision, we too visualize First African continuing to do great things for God’s people.  Our motto of “Restoring Lives and Buildings for Christ” is the basis for the outreach ministry to help provide opportunities, and assist in building life skills for all people, including the least, the last and the lost.  We will always continue to forge ahead completing needed renovations of the church, and advancing the cause of the kingdom of Christ.  We invite you to contribute to our mission and ministry as we preserve a significant part of American History.

Make a Contribution:

  • checkmark

    Select A Contribution Type: The drop-down list indicates each of the types of contributions which can be made through the Contribution form. If the intended item is not in the list, please use the convenient Other Payments form below.

  • money icon

    Enter The Amount of your contribution without a $ dollar sign. An example amount entry would be: 50.00

  • memberID icon

    Enter Your MemberID/Env# so we can reflect the contribution on your statement.
    If you're not a FABC member or don't know your Envelope#, enter NONE in this field.

Givelify Other Contributions& Payments

If you would like to contribute to the “preservation of our historic edifice” please click here.

Use the Other Payments form on the right, for miscellaneous payments to First African BC or for any contribution type not listed in the contribution drop down options.

Enter a brief but clear description for the payment item. Examples;

  • Seniors' Trip
  • Men's Conference
  • Banquet Ticket, etc.